Our Mission: The Home that Love Built!
We achieve our Vision through five Success Factors:
Success Factor: Outstanding Care and Service
We address the needs of our clients by:
- Promoting individual independence
- Exceeding expectations
- Ensuring a safe and caring environment
- Caring passionately about what we do and how we do it
- Committing to resident and family-centred care
- Listening to the “Voice of the Resident”
Success Factor: Excellent Performance
We manage our resources prudently by:
- Effectively managing our Board-approved budget
- Providing timely accurate information
- Proactively planning for future capital commitments
- Effectively utilizing our limited resources
Success Factor: Exceptional Team
We show commitment to our team by:
- Creating the opportunity for personal and professional growth
- Recognizing the unique contributions of all staff and volunteers
- Fostering a climate of cooperation and collaborative teamwork
- Providing a healthy and safe work environment
Success Factor: Creativity and Innovation
We achieve excellence by:
- Being receptive to new ideas and methods of achieving our goals
- Creating a best practice environment through continuous quality improvement
- Pursuing the most current technology and equipment
- Proactively managing risk
Success Factor: Dynamic Partnerships
We reach out and link with others to promote continuity of care by:
- working with others to facilitate access to the full continuum of care
- responding to the health care needs of our community
- creating community outreach programs
- developing collaborative relationships with all stakeholders

Our Mission, Vision & Values
The Mission of The Wexford is:
The Home that Love Built
We are the Home that love built – where people live and work in a diverse community of caring and companionship.
The Vision of The Wexford is:
A strong presence in our community and a preferred seniors’ residence celebrated for our progressive and quality services.
The Core Values of The Wexford are:
E Empowering each other
X Exceptional caring
C Committing to our shared goals
E Expecting our best performance
L Leading together with integrity
S Sensitive to the uniqueness of each person