Fundraising Events
Tuesday June 19th, 2018 at Remington
Parkview Golf and Country Club
Something to look forward to!
Lead Sponsor: Medical Pharmacies Banquet Sponsor: Achieva Health
Silent Auction: Hub International Golf Cart Sponsor: F Shaw Management
There are several sponsorships still available. If you have not been a sponsor in the past, would you consider going the extra mile and fill one of the spots that is open?
Silent Auction Items— The Silent Auction continues to be one of the highlights of the Tournament. Every year, golfers take home great items: gift cards, entertainment & sports tickets as well as small appliances, just to name a few. Please consider donating one of these items for the auction.
Clement Lo at , 416- 701- 2507
For details about sponsorship email Gwen Ramsay at
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday June 19th!