General Information
If you are a senior, over 59 years of age and have an annual income less than $ 64, 817.00 per year, looking for an apartment that allows you to live independently in a seniors building, here is the general information about the apartment and building:
- Well located in the Pharmacy and Lawrence neighbourhood
- A safe, clean, and well maintained building
- Shares the area with wonderful restaurants and shops
- On-site Active Seniors Centre that runs weekly drop-in programs, day trips, paid programs, monthly wellness programs, and special events
- On-site chapel, coffee kiosk/convenience items, library, laundry facilities, computer lab, and hair salon
- Opportunity to meet new friends
- Opportunity to stay active and volunteer
- Minutes walk to TTC bus stops, banks and other facilities
- Utilities included-heating, hydro and water
- No pets, non smokers
- An ideal place to call home