Long-term Care Home Complaint Process
The ministry will respond quickly to urgent complaints — in some cases, on the same day. For non-urgent complaints, contacting a home directly is often the best and fastest way to address a problem.
Report an Urgent Complaint to the Ministry
Call the ministry Call the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line toll-free 1-866-434-0144 Hours of operation: 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., 7 days a week
Report your concern directly to the home
Call the CEO directly at 1-416-752-8879
Write to the Ministry
Send a written letter, by mail, to:
Long-Term Care Inspections Branch
Long-Term Care Operations Division
119 King St. W, 11th Floor
Hamilton ON L8P 4Y7
Contact the Patient Ombudsman
If you have already contacted the home directly and the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line (toll-free at 1-866-434-0144) and were not able to reach a satisfactory resolution, you can contact the Patient Ombudsman:
- By calling 1-888-321-0339 (toll free) or 416-597-0339 (in Toronto)
- TTY: 416-597-5371
The Patient Ombudsman strives to achieve a level of fairness in the resolution process for everyone involved as they review complaints.